Bonjour, Pascal! Vous ete un petit prawn, vraiment! OK, so we know the the French for prawn is crevette, and Pascal is a crevette du mignon indeed. But enough of mangling… Read more
Bonjour, Pascal! Vous ete un petit prawn, vraiment! OK, so we know the the French for prawn is crevette, and Pascal is a crevette du mignon indeed. But enough of mangling the beauty of the French language, we want to instead wax lyrical about the frankly unending love-ability that Pascal Prawn evokes as he swings from his string resplendent in bright pink felt. Pasacal Prawn has not failed to raise a smile so far so hang him about the house or office to feel prawn based positivity all day.
Pascal Prawn felt decoration is hand made from 100% wool and is produced ethically and responsibly for more positive prawn power. He measures approx 9 cm x 3 cm.