July 04, 2019

Thanks, Teach!

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Hot days, hundreds of school activities, ridiculously tired children and increasingly frazzled parents. It can only mean one thing - school is nearly out for the summer! And if you are a parent - between rustling up costumes for the school play, taking more hours off work then you're actually putting in, arranging childcare for SIX weeks and working out which child is where at what time for whatever - you'll suddenly have a realisation. You need a gift for the teacher! The amazing group of people who spend almost as much time with your kid as you do. Who manage to keep them safe, educated, motivated and still show a boundless enthusiasm to listening to mind numbing stories your child will share right up until that last bell goes signalling the end of term. 

But worry not. We've put together a selection of gifts for your teaching heroes that won't break the bank but are a little bit more special than a bottle of wine (although I'm sure the teachers will also be grateful for a bottle of wine. Don't tell them we talked you out of it!). There's something for every kind of teacher to say a massive THANK YOU for everything they do and everything they put up with! We've addressed gifts for four types of teacher including 'Calm', 'Funny', 'Cool' and 'Coffee Addict'. So enjoy the school holidays, lovely people, you deserve it.

Calm Teacher

Cottage PlanterZencils Pencil SetBee Grow BarOrangutan Plant Animal Everything is Good Notebook

This is the teacher that keeps their mind when everyone else is losing theirs. Who isn't fazed by 30 kids all wanting attention at the same time. Who doesn't balk when handed yet another change to the curriculum. Who knows how to find their Zen when Little Timmy has glued his fingers together (again) and they've been sneezed on for the fourteenth time that day. Acknowledge their serenity with gifts relating to nature, mindfulness and positivity including Cozy Cottage planters, grow seeds for bees, some Zen like pencils and some encouraging Shrigley stationery (Yes, really).

Funny Teacher

 David Shrigley Back in a 100 Years Air FreshenerWellcome Collection Man Overboard PinDavid Shrigley Ridiculous Stress SwanBattery Low PinDavid Shrigley Opening Hours Tea Towel

All hail the teacher who can find the funny in the bizarre little micro universe a school is. And if they can laugh at, and with, themselves too, their status among the kids around them will quickly elevate to legendary. Keeping it humorous while keeping 30+ kids in line is a skill not to be sniffed at so give thanks to the funny with these gifts that lean to the lighter side including International Code Pin, a pin of current moods, statement tea towels, air fresheners and stress swans (Again with the Shrigley!)

Cool Teacher

 Yellow Bibi Bird CandleHola Shopper BagCustom Made Lightning Hoop EarringsStuart Gardiner Fizz Tea TowelMint Acrylic Necklace

Just because humans have decided to take on this teaching marlarky as a vocation, doesn't mean they suddenly have to start wearing sensible slacks and cardigans with tissues up the arm. Nope, teaching is officially cool and it's only fair we acknowledge the hip teachers who keep it real with the kids, man. That last sentence shows why BALTIC Shop were a teacher they wouldn't be in this category, however BALTIC Shop does know what to give the teacher who is - quirky candles, snappy shoppers, fizzy tea towels, rocking earrings and fantastic north east inspired accessories, that's what!


Caffeine Loving Teacher

Great Gulls MugGreat Modern Women Artist MugEcoffee Cup GreenWellcome Collection Falls Are Not Fun MugFrida Travel Mug

Who are we to judge if a teacher needs a few cups of Joe or Rosie Lee to get them through the day? If a constant coffee is the way your kid's teachers roll, or their tea break is quite literally for tea, then we have a cup or mug for them from lovely porcelain to right on reusable. Choose from some pretty Kittiwakes, Great Women Artists, a beautiful bamboo reusable mug, a mug that points out the obvious and the marvelous Frida Kahlo. Cheers.